
Herbal Teas to Lower High Creatinine Level in Blood

Herbal Teas to Lower High Creatinine Level

High creatinine level is more likely to indicate the decline of kidney function. In this case, it is necessary to choose correct herbal teas to drink, because it can do something for lowering high creatinine level in blood.
What herbal teas can help lower high creatinine level?
1. Nettle leaf tea
Drinking 1 to 2 cups of nettle leaf tea is a good choice to lower high creatinine level. It is a simple yet powerful kidney tonic that can improve renal function and reduce creatinine levels. However, nettle leaf tea is not suitable for all patients with CKD. You should consult your doctor before you start to drink this kind of tea.
2. Salvia tea
Researches have found that salvia can increase kidney filtration rate and creatinine excretion. What is more, it can improve the circulation in the kidneys.
3. Chamomile
Chamomile is another herb that may help lower creatinine levels in the body. In a 2005 study published in the "Journal of Agriculture Food Chemicals," researchers found that, compared to control samples, decreased levels of creatinine appeared in those drinking chamomile tea. This benefit lasted up to two weeks post-treatment, and may have been due to high levels of antioxidants present in chamomile.
In addition, some other herb teas that can help improve patients’ kidney function level or increase their GFR levels are also able to reduce high creatinine level in the blood. Try to use herbal teas suitable for yourself with doctor’s guidance.


High Creatinine Level: Symptoms, Treatment and Diet

Creatinine is the product of muscle metabolism, which is released into the blood and then excreted with the urine. Generally speaking, the normal level of creatinine is 44-133μmol/L. When the serum creatinine is more than 133μmol/L, it means there is something wrong with kidneys, such as renal insufficiency or renal failure.

In the daily life, how to judge if the creatinine is high, you can see the following symptoms of high creatinine level:
1. Edema, hydrothorax or ascites.
2. High blood pressure.
3. Frequent micturition, urgent urination, odynuria
4. Lumbago (back pain)
5. Hematuresis (hematuria, haematuria)
6. Diuresis, oliguria, or anuria
7. Much bubble in the urine.

Attention should be paid to the daily diet, and a proper diet can make your illness condition relieved:
1. Controlling the intake of salt: because sodium in the salt can result in high blood pressure and edema. If the illness condition is serious, it is completely necessary to strictly control the intake of salt.
2. Controlling the intake of protein: because proteolysis produces a lot of waste, which will worsen the damaged kidneys. But you can choose some high quality protein, such as fish, egg whites and so on.
3. Taking some vitamin: High creatinine patients should have foods that contains rich vitamin A, vitamin B2 and vitamin C, which is good to one’s immune system.

When the creatinine level is high, active treatment should be taken:
Dialysis is one of the treatments. It can expel the waste from the blood. In another word, in order to recover, patients should eliminate the waste, water and salt through manual work. There are two kinds of ways to dialysis: hematodialysis (hemodialysis)and peritoneal dialysis. Hematodialysis is to use a special device to replace kidneys, while peritoneum is to use the peritoneum as a filter to discharge the waste in the body.
Kidney transplant is also a good choice, but the kidney source is scarce and after the transplanting, patients have to eat anti-rejection drugs.
Chinese medicine has a long history. It is natural and can gradually repair the damaged kidneys, so maybe you can have a try.
If you want to know more about the Chinese medicine, you can consult the online doctors or leave a message, we are usually ready to help you.

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