
Foot Massage can Effectively Prevent Renal Failure

Experts and scholars attach more and more importance to early prevention of
Chronic Renal Failure. Early prevention includes early examination, early control of kidney disease and factors causing kidney disease.
There is an old saying in china “Renal Failure starts with feet”. Foot massage is to massage the sole of feet and it is a popular self-massage method. Massaging the sole of feet can promote blood circulation, eliminate disease and prolong life. Besides, it has the effects of nourishing Yin and reducing pathogenic fire, protecting waist and kidneys, promoting blood circulation and strengthening marrow. Foot massage is a convenient and effective health care method.
Before foot massage, you’d better take a foot bath in hot water. Sit on a chair or bedside which is the same height with your crus and relax naturally. First put your right leg on left leg, hold the right ankle with one hand, and rub your right sole with the other hand for 120 times. Then rub your left sole in the same way. Foot Bath for Chronic Kidney Disease

When doing foot massage, it is better not to stop until the bilateral soles become warm. Do foot massage every day, and it will take effect in a short term.



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