
Diabetes with Kidney Failure, am I dying

Patient: Sami
Countury: Canada
Diagnosis: Type 2 diabetes for 20 years and just been diagnosead as Chronic Kidney Disease. Kidney function has been aggravating for recent three years.
Disease condition: complications of kidney failure, including pericarditis, gastritis and pulmonary congestion. Pale face. Dehydration. Hypertension 160/90. Heart beat 80. Main lab test results:
8th May: Creatinine 712, BUN 26, blood glucose 7.2 (4.2-6.1). Chelosterol 8.37(0-5.5). Triglycecide 4.08(<2.26). LDL 6.8.
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Question: my creatinine has decreased from 712 to 392; pericarditis and gastritis have been remitted after hospitalization. But yesterday, 10th, May, my creatinine has increased to 795. My doctor told me I have no other options than dialysis and kidney transplant. …what can I do? am I dying?
Answer from kidney expert:
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I can totally understand your feelings. Now I will explain your general condition: Chinese Treatment for Early Stage Kidney Damage from Diabetes
A: Pericarditis is a complication of kidney failure. It has two types: uremic percarditis and dialysis-related pericarditis. For kidney failure patients, percariditis can be caused by several factors, including malnutrition, low immunity, frequent infections, platelet dysfunction and cleeding tendency.
During dialysis, using heparin may increase risks of hemorrhagic pericarditis and cardiac tamponade. Water and sodium retention resulting from insufficient dialysis can increase hydropericardim thus inducing heart failure.
B: Pale face is caused by anemia as the kidneys can not produce enough erythropoietin in producing red blood cells. Hypertension is usually a combined result of insufficient renin secretion and water retention.
C: Kidney failure may cause potassium retention. This can cause severe complications such as numbness, slowed heartbeat, arrhythmia and cardiac arrest. Your heartbeat is normal now. But it is also necessary to restrict potassium consumption in your diet.Will Stem Cell Therapy Treat Diabetes Mellitus and Kidney Disease
D: Creatinine and blood urea nitrogen are metabolic wastes. They should normally be removed by kidney filters called as glomeruli.
Dialysis can lower creatinine level in a short time with an artificial filter, but it doesn’t improve the kidneys. Over time, kidney scarring will worsen. You mentioned creatinine level 712 days ago. Now it has increased to 795. This is an indicator that kidney damage has progressed.
As we can found from the above, severely necrotic kidneys is the underlying cause for all clinical complications. In conventional treatments, there is no method to improve kidneys; and patients will have to wait for a kidney transplant.
But now, with medical research progressing, new therapies for improving the kidneys has become available. That is, Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy and Stem Cell therapy. The treatments are aimed at recovering kidney damages thus removing complications.

To get detailed treatment plans, you may communicate with our online consultants directly.



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