
How to Manage Chronic Constipation for Dialysis Patients

Although dialysis can help replace impaired kidneys to filter blood, patients still need to follow a restricted diet plan and limit their fluid intake. This can increase the risk of constipation. For dialysis patients who suffer from constipation, they should find effective methods to manage them. Here, we give several suggestions.

1. Learn more about constipation

A low-fiber diet is one of the most common causes of constipation in renal patients. Many high-fiber foods are high in phosphorous and potassium, however, and thus not renal-friendly. Getting adequate fiber by choosing renal-friendly fiber foods may help relieve constipation.

2. Getting Enough Fiber on a Renal Diet

Many fruits and vegetables are high in potassium and or phosphorous, but you do have some renal-friendly options that will help you get more fiber in your diet. Renal-friendly fruits include raspberries, blackberries, pears, apple, strawberries and blueberries. Renal-friendly vegetable choices are cooked corn, carrots, zucchini, green beans, yellow beans and broccoli. The typical serving size for fruits and vegetables is 1/2 cup. Adding a slice of whole-grain or enriched white bread, or 1/2 cup of oatmeal, can boost fiber while also being renal-friendly.

3. When Dietary Change Isn't Enough

If increasing your fiber intake isn't enough to prevent or relieve constipation. Medications that some renal patients take, such as phosphate binders, cause constipation also. Adding a fiber supplement may help with constipation, and there are some options that don't affect your fluid intake.

4. Take Systemic Treatment to Improve Kidney Condition and Avoid Dialysis

So it is recommended patients to try Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy. It aims at improving the renal internal environment and promoting the renal repair. Characterized by external application of Chinese medicine, it has zero side affects to remedy the renal damages fundamentally. Above all, it really helps you change your life and rescue your impaired kidneys.
If you still have anything unclear about constipation and dialysis, you can contact me directly.


What Herbs Can Treat Renal Failure

Renal failure is a very serious disease. Now, some of the traditional Chinese medicine in the treatment of renal failure, showing a very good therapeutic effect, then, traditional Chinese medicine to treat kidney failure, what does?
1, rhubarb
Can reduce serum creatinine and blood urea nitrogen levels, improve lipid metabolism, inhibition of renal tubular epithelial cells hypertrophy and hyperplasia, decreased cell metabolism and high glomerular filtration state, and can inhibit renal compensatory hypertrophy, reduce glomerular sclerosis, reduce residual renal high metabolic state, delaying the progression of chronic renal failure.
2, Cordyceps
Can reduce the bun and scr levels and increased plasma protein content, improve anemia and nutritional status, and promote renal tubular epithelial cell repair and regeneration, correct amino acids, protein and lipid metabolism, regulation of cellular immunity, improve immunity, protection and recovery of renal function, prevention of secondary infection.
3, Salvia
Can significantly reduce the bun and scr content, increased scr, bun clearance and filtration capacity and improve survival, improve renal blood flow, reduce kidney damage.
4, triptolide
Similar to corticosteroids, but no hormonal side effects, the role of the characteristics of the hormone, cyclosporine so completely different immunosuppressive effect by inducing apoptosis in t cells, and inhibition of cell cycle control is achieved il2 not blocking t cell receptor (tcr) transmission of information, is a new class of immunosuppressive drugs.
5, astragalus
Can significantly enhance cellular and humoral immune function, increase body resistance phagocytosis and reticuloendothelial system and improve the rate of protein synthesis, reduce scr levels and free radicals, and can increase the clearance of free radicals and improve kidney function.
6. Chuanxiong and leeches
Can improve blood f1α 6 keto prostaglandin content, correct prostacyclin / thromboxane a2 imbalance, so that blood rheology and hypercoagulable state improved, increased renal blood flow, improve creatinine clearance, lower bun, the renal function is restored .

Of course, the prescription should be based on the patient's condition. If you want to know which medicine works for you, you can contact me by sending email to: kidneydoctor@hotmail.com.

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