
Foods to Eat and Avoid with Kidney Shrinkage

Kidney shrinkage is more likely to indicate kidneys are unable to work properly, and a right diet plan can help slow down the progression of kidney problem. Therefore, it is necessary for patients with renal atrophy to find out what foods to eat and avoid.
The basic dietary principles for kidney shrinkage patients
Here, we firstly give out some general dietary suggestions. (If you want to get a diet plan suitable for yourself, you can send email to kidneyservice@hotmail.com, so I can reply you in 24 hours.)
- Follow a low-sodium diet
- Follow a low-protein diet with high-quality protein
- Add omega-3 fatty acid in your diet
- Take in correct amount of potassium and phosphorus
- Avoid purine-containing foods
Specific diet for patients with specific symptoms
-Patients with hyperkalemia
If patients have hyperkalemia or high potassium level, they should reduce the potassium intake. Potassium level of 6.5 or higher can lead to a cardiac arrest, so kidney shrinkage patients should keep a close eye on their potassium level, if their potassium levels are abnormal.
-Patients with bone disease
Kidney shrinkage patients' bone disease is usually due to high phosphorus level. High phosphorus levels decreases the level of calcium in the blood, leading to bone disease. Therefore, patients with bone disease should avoid phosphorus-containing foods and eat more high-calcium foods.
-Patients with swelling or high blood pressure
Severe swelling and high blood pressure have a close link with fluid and sodium retention. From this point, kidney shrinkage patients with these symptoms should control their intake of sodium and water, in order to ease these symptoms.

If you happen to have kidney shrinkage, hopefully the above information can guide you to develop a correct diet plan.


How to Prevent Kidney Shrinkage Effectively

Most of us know kidney shrinkage, and it is difficult to treat, easy to relapse. In the clinic, although treatments of renal atrophy are varied, but they can not completely cure this disease. Thereby, we need to prevent kidney shrinkage in everyday life. How to prevent it?

1. Drink the right amount of water and don't hold back urination. Urine in the bladder too long it is easy to breed bacteria, the bacteria may infect the kidneys through the ureters, a day full drink at any time urination, kidney stones would not be easy.

2. Control of hypertension. If high blood pressure, consult a physician immediately medication blood pressure control in a safe range, due to chronic high blood pressure will not stop because of damage to the tiny blood vessels of the kidneys is the kidney by millions of renal corpuscles composition.

3. Control diabetes. Due to diabetic vascular gradually harden, especially in peripheral capillaries. Due to diabetic vascular gradually harden, especially in peripheral capillaries. Because the kidney is composed of millions of tiny blood vessels, so severe diabetes, kidney function may also be bad. According to statistics, a quarter of the patient is caused by diabetes late.

4. Drink water pollution standards, do not drink well water or water of unknown composition, eat, do not eat, do not drink substandard substandard processed foods.

5. Kidney disease is not impotence. The kidney is the urinary system and the traditional Chinese medicine impotence no association. The kidney is the urinary system and the traditional Chinese medicine impotence no association. Male sex hormone is from "testicle" secretion; women are "ovary", especially men, woman kidney transplant can be mutually visible kidneys and sex have no direct relationship.

6. Remember to take regular kidney function tests. Every six months we must do a urine screening, blood pressure testing. Because the process of kidney patients almost half of kidney damage is carried out unconsciously, so wait until the body is likely to feel unwell has reached end-stage renal disease ─ to rely on dialysis machines to survive.

The patient should pay more attention to preventive measures on renal atrophy diet, to ensure the safety of their health and prevent renal kidney shrinkage effectively. To learn more effective methods to prevent your renal atrophy, you can contact us online.

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