
An Overview of Polycystic Kidney Disease Prognosis

Polycystic kidney disease is a kidney disorder passed down through families. Now, it is the number four cause of kidney failure in Americans. However, how about the prognosis of Polycystic Kidney Disease?

Polycystic kidney disease isn't limited to your kidneys, although the kidneys usually are the most severely affected organs. The disease can cause cysts to develop in your liver and elsewhere in your body. As these cysts grow bigger and bigger, more and more symptoms and signs may occur to warn the loss of kidney function. At present, no specific treatments can cure PKD completely, so its prognosis is always not so good.

Please, don't lose your heart, because some treatments can still help improve your prognosis and overall health.

Manage your symptoms

The goal of treatment is to control symptoms and prevent complications. High blood pressure may be hard to control, but controlling it is the most important part of treatment.
Treatment may include:
Blood pressure medicines
Low-salt diet
Any urinary tract infection should be treated quickly with antibiotics.

Dry up your kidney cysts
Since the continuous enlargement of kidney cyst is the root cause of kidney function loss. The key of your whole treatment should be the one that can help dry up your kidney cyst timely. Here, I would like to introduce Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy, which is able to prompt the reabsorption of primary sac fluid through blood circulation and prevent the secretion of fluid supplement. In addition, it can also help repair the damaged kidney cells.
With a systemic treatment, you can find it is possible to get a better prognosis for people with Polycystic Kidney Disease.


A Healthy Diet for Renal Cortical Cyst

If you have renal cortical cyst, a healthy diet is very important for you, because it can help slow down the progression of your condition. How to make a healthy diet for renal cortical cyst?

Consume high-quality protein
No matter what kidney disorder you have, excessive protein intake can increase the workload on patients' kidney. In view of this, eating high-quality protein instead of high-quantity protein is better to you. Milk,lean meat, fish, and so on all belong to high-quality foods. You can consume them correctly. 

Develop a low-sodium diet
In most cases, people with renal cortical cysts are the elder who are more likely to have high blood pressure. In addition, large renal cortical cyst may also cause hypertension. High-sodium diet can cause or worsen your hypertension, so you are recommended to take a low-sodium diet.

Limit the intake of potassium
Regardless of what size of renal cortical cyst you have, your doctor will routinely measure the potassium in your blood because enlarged kidney cysts can cause kidney damage as so to elevate levels of potassium, which are dangerous because they can cause tachycardia, or irregular heartbeats. Doctors treat this by recommending a low-potassium diet that eliminates or greatly limits high-potassium foods such as lentils, tomatoes, broccoli, squash, carrots, bananas and oranges.

Lower the intake of phosphorus 
You don't need to abide by this tip unless your kidneys are damaged by renal cortical cysts. High phosphorus foods include cocoa, beer, milk products, organ meats and legumes.
Many diet tips should depend on your condition. Always make sure your diet is good for you overall health. 


What Is Renal Cortical Cyst Treatment

Renal cortical cysts are cysts that are found at the kidney at the site called cortex. They are usually an incidental findings during the ultrasound and don't cause any symptoms. However, with age, some of them may grow too big thus causing some symptoms. In this condition, some remedies are needed to treat renal cortical cyst.

No treatment
If you have a small kidney cysts that isn't causing you any problems, your physician will generally leave it alone, though she may follow up with additional scans in six to 12 months. But if you experience symptoms of a renal cortical cyst, your physician will probably send you to a urologist, who specializes in diagnosing and treating kidney problems.

Treat renal cortical cyst with a needle
For relative large cortical cyst, a physician can drain and permanently harden them by inserting a needle directly into them. The process removes fluid and replaces it with alcohol, which causes the tissue that makes up the cyst to harden.

Larger renal cortical cysts may require surgical removal. Most surgeons prefer laparoscopic surgery, which involves smaller incisions, a shorter hospital stay and a faster recovery. During the surgery, your surgeon will drain the cyst of fluid and then remove or burn away its outer layer of tissue.

Herbal remedy
Compared with the above remedies, herbal medicines focus on all kidney cysts both small and large. With the help of oral and external application herbal medicines, patients' renal cortical cysts can srhink gradually. And then, patients' condition can be improved largely.
Choosing a correct treatment is the key to deal with renal cortical cyst. Make sure you have known the therapy very well before beginning it.

A Right Diet Can Help Slow Kidney Cyst

Although small kidney cysts usually don't cause any symptoms, slowing down their growing rate is a guarantee for your health. A right diet can have a real effect on how fast kidney cysts develops. This is why a kidney support diet is generally considered the best natural treatment for kidney cyst.

How to develop a right diet to slow kidney cyst?
Follow a Low-Protein Diet
When your liver breaks down protein, it produces a waste product called urea, which your kidneys are responsible for getting rid of. That means excess protein in the diet puts a strain on the kidneys.
Eat less meat, cheese, and even a little less of the higher protein beans and legumes like chickpeas and lentils. Use vegetables and grains for your main dishes and if you need extra calories, add healthy fats like avocados and olive oil.

Develop a low-potassium diet
Nephrologists routinely measure potassium levels in kidney patients' blood because potassium levels can become elevated as kidney disease approaches. Elevated potassium levels, also known as hyperkalemia, cause nerves to misfire, which in turn, causes irregular heartbeats. Nephrologists recommend a low-potassium diet for people with kidney cyst and high potassium level. While your nephrologist can tell you how much potassium is safe for you to eat, most nephrologists suggest that patients consume less than 2,000 to 3,000 mg of potassium.

Give Soy a Try
It is reported that dietary soy protein can slow the progression of kidney cyst to some extent. Keep in mind, though, that you'll be better off with traditional fermented soy products like tofu, miso, and tempeh. Non-fermented soy products like soy milk and soy-based protein bars have been shown to cause health problems of their own.

Limit the intake of salt
To start reducing salt in your diet, use garlic powder, onion powder or other herbs and spices in place of salt. Try to use less of sauces like ketchup and soy sauce. Avoid highly processed foods like meats, soups, and vegetables that come in cans. Even low-sodium varieties of these have more salt that something you'd make at home.

Following a right diet for kidney cyst can help improve your condition. However, diet may need some changes according to your specific condition. I can give you some specific suggestions. If you would like, we can contact through email. My email address is kidneysymptom@hotmail.com.


How to Manage Renal Cortical Cyst Symptoms

Renal cortical cyst refers to a cyst arising from renal cortex. With small size, it usually don't cause any symptoms. However, once they become bigger than 3cm, patients may suffer from the following symptoms. 
What are renal cortical cyst symptoms? 
Back and pain
A sore feeling in the lower back, on one or both sides, is common with patients who have renal cortical cysts. The pain can range from dull ache to sharp pains that require medication for relief. However, in most cases, painkillers can't work very well. In this situation, you can try some natural remedies such as food therapy and herbal teas.

Frequent Urination or Trouble Urinating
Frequent or difficult urination is another symptom of renal cortical cyst, because the enlarged kidney cyst must have damage the kidney tubular function. In this condition, finding some remedies such as the therapy of blood stasis to repair the damaged kidney tubule is very necessary.
High blood pressure
High blood pressure is a result of abnormal kidney secretion. For people with renal cortical cysts and high blood pressure, ARBs and ACEI is more suitable. However, some other remedies may be indispensable if patients have refractory high blood pressure.

Feeling of Fullness
Once a cyst becomes large enough, it is common for patients to notice a premature feeling of fullness after eating. Some may become full or bloated after a few bites, while with others it is mild and may not be noticeable at all. Usually developing a healthy diet is able to help ease this symptom.
To help more and more people who have renal cortical cysts get rid of uneasy symptoms, I have found many foods and herbs are helpful. If you are tormented by the above symptoms, you can send email to kidneysymptom@hotmail.com. I would like to share my suggestions with you.

Herbs to Lower High Creatinine Level for Polycystic Kidney Disease

High creatinine level occurs commonly in people with Polycystic Kidney Disease. Some chinese herbs can help improve the kidney filtration function thus lowering high creatinine level. What herbs can lower high creatinine level for Polycystic Kidney Disease? The following is an overview.
Dandelion Root
Dandelion root is known as an herbal diuretic. Diuretics can help inactive kidneys by increasing urination. This increases the output of the kidneys and will dilute the amount of creatinine in the body by increasing the output of the urinary waste at a faster rate.
Nettle leaf
Through prompting the kidney to excrete more water, more urine can take away more waste products including creatinine and uric acid, so you can drink one or two cups of nettle leaf tea on daily to lower your creatinine level.
Researchers have used salvia on patients who were on dialysis for kidney failure and found that it increased the rate of which creatinine was filtered and evacuated from the body. They also noticed that it enhanced the circulation to the kidneys as well.
Dandelion Root
Dandelion root is known as an herbal diuretic. Diuretics can help inactive kidneys by increasing urination. This increases the output of the kidneys and will dilute the amount of creatinine in the body by increasing the output of the urinary waste at a faster rate.

Many PKD patients with elevated creatinine also have elevated potassium and phosphorus levels. Elevated potassium causes irregular heartbeats. Elevated phosphorus causes serious bone problems. However, some herbs contain rich potassium or phosphorus, so you should make sure the herbs don't bring side effects before taking any herbs.

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