
A Right Diet Can Help Slow Kidney Cyst

Although small kidney cysts usually don't cause any symptoms, slowing down their growing rate is a guarantee for your health. A right diet can have a real effect on how fast kidney cysts develops. This is why a kidney support diet is generally considered the best natural treatment for kidney cyst.

How to develop a right diet to slow kidney cyst?
Follow a Low-Protein Diet
When your liver breaks down protein, it produces a waste product called urea, which your kidneys are responsible for getting rid of. That means excess protein in the diet puts a strain on the kidneys.
Eat less meat, cheese, and even a little less of the higher protein beans and legumes like chickpeas and lentils. Use vegetables and grains for your main dishes and if you need extra calories, add healthy fats like avocados and olive oil.

Develop a low-potassium diet
Nephrologists routinely measure potassium levels in kidney patients' blood because potassium levels can become elevated as kidney disease approaches. Elevated potassium levels, also known as hyperkalemia, cause nerves to misfire, which in turn, causes irregular heartbeats. Nephrologists recommend a low-potassium diet for people with kidney cyst and high potassium level. While your nephrologist can tell you how much potassium is safe for you to eat, most nephrologists suggest that patients consume less than 2,000 to 3,000 mg of potassium.

Give Soy a Try
It is reported that dietary soy protein can slow the progression of kidney cyst to some extent. Keep in mind, though, that you'll be better off with traditional fermented soy products like tofu, miso, and tempeh. Non-fermented soy products like soy milk and soy-based protein bars have been shown to cause health problems of their own.

Limit the intake of salt
To start reducing salt in your diet, use garlic powder, onion powder or other herbs and spices in place of salt. Try to use less of sauces like ketchup and soy sauce. Avoid highly processed foods like meats, soups, and vegetables that come in cans. Even low-sodium varieties of these have more salt that something you'd make at home.

Following a right diet for kidney cyst can help improve your condition. However, diet may need some changes according to your specific condition. I can give you some specific suggestions. If you would like, we can contact through email. My email address is kidneysymptom@hotmail.com.



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