
How to Manage Renal Cortical Cyst Symptoms

Renal cortical cyst refers to a cyst arising from renal cortex. With small size, it usually don't cause any symptoms. However, once they become bigger than 3cm, patients may suffer from the following symptoms. 
What are renal cortical cyst symptoms? 
Back and pain
A sore feeling in the lower back, on one or both sides, is common with patients who have renal cortical cysts. The pain can range from dull ache to sharp pains that require medication for relief. However, in most cases, painkillers can't work very well. In this situation, you can try some natural remedies such as food therapy and herbal teas.

Frequent Urination or Trouble Urinating
Frequent or difficult urination is another symptom of renal cortical cyst, because the enlarged kidney cyst must have damage the kidney tubular function. In this condition, finding some remedies such as the therapy of blood stasis to repair the damaged kidney tubule is very necessary.
High blood pressure
High blood pressure is a result of abnormal kidney secretion. For people with renal cortical cysts and high blood pressure, ARBs and ACEI is more suitable. However, some other remedies may be indispensable if patients have refractory high blood pressure.

Feeling of Fullness
Once a cyst becomes large enough, it is common for patients to notice a premature feeling of fullness after eating. Some may become full or bloated after a few bites, while with others it is mild and may not be noticeable at all. Usually developing a healthy diet is able to help ease this symptom.
To help more and more people who have renal cortical cysts get rid of uneasy symptoms, I have found many foods and herbs are helpful. If you are tormented by the above symptoms, you can send email to kidneysymptom@hotmail.com. I would like to share my suggestions with you.



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