
A New Way to Treat High Creatinine Level

Creatinine is a metabolic waste and can be emitted by kidneys. High creatinine
level usually indicates abnormal kidney functions. Because kidneys have strong compensatory, even damaged also can work as normal, it is hard to detect kidney disease in the early stage and evaluated creatinine often be found when nearly half of kidney function is lost.
The possible results without controlling high creatinine
High creatinine often means abnormal kidney functions, without properly control, just like other disease, kidneys will aggressive slowly and kidney failure is often the final result of kidney disease. Then, dialysis or kidney transplant often be requested in the current western treatment.
How to control or reduce high creatinine level How to Lower High Creatinine Level without Medications
The root cause of high creatinine level is usually the results of damaged kidneys. Generally speaking, our powerful immune system keeps all the organs from disease, including kidneys. Once our immune system is weaker than the invaders, immune complexes often formed, when those immune complexes deposits on kidneys, they will damage kidneys, resulting damaged kidneys. As a consequence, kidney functions will not be performed normally, resulting in accumulation of creatinine. Can I Stop Dialysis When My Creatinine Level Gets Back to Normal
Therefore, when these immune complexes are cleared effectively and the weaker immune system return strong, kidneys will be restored and kidney functions will be improved, then high creatinine level will drop.Possible Treatments for High Creatinine Level After Kidney Transplant
Micro-Chinese Medicine can do a favor to remove those immune complexes and rebuild the normal immune system. Usually after using it, creatinine will be dropped naturally and glomerular filtration rate (GFR) will be evaluated. For renal failure patients, their poor appetite will be improved and the output urine will increase (if one still has some urine), the color of the urine will be darkened.

Most current western treatment only focuses on merely reducing creatinine, not the root cause-damaged kidneys. However, the right thing is to restore damaged kidneys. Any question, email me at me .



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