
What are the Causes of Low Creatinine Levels

What are the causes of low creatinine levels?
Creatinine is the waste product of muscle metabolism. Usually creatinine can be mostly excreted by the kidneys. Normally serum creatinine levels can be maintained constant from day to day with stable muscle.
The causes of low creatinine levels include chronic conditions that lead to declines in creatinine production along with declines in muscle mass. Having low levels of creatinine is not necessarily a cause for concern, although some doctors may suggest some additional tests so as to find out why creatinine levels are so low. This further test will be applied to determine if there exists certain underlying condition that should be treated.
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Loss of muscle total is among the most common causes of low creatinine levels. This usually occurs in older adults due to aging. In addition, low creatinine is also associated with wasting diseases, sudden weight loss, myasthenia gravis and muscular dystrophy.How to Lower High Creatinine Level without Medications
Insufficient protein intake is another reason for low creatinine levels. Creatinine is produced through the processing of proteins and if protein intake is very low, the body will be making less creatinine. For women in pregnancy, redirection of nutrients to the baby can also cause low creatinine levels.
Another reason can be advanced liver disease. Usually liver disease has already observed when low levels of creatinine are detected, but creatinine decline usually indicates the disease is getting worse or the liver is under stress.
Does Decreasing Creatinine Mean Better Kidney Function
Creatinine levels are basic measurement for kidney function. And many patients after their blood test find that their creatinine level is within normal range, and thereby, they think their kidney condition is normal. However, this is a wrong view for creatinine level. Kidney compensatory function is very strong. When most of the kidneys suffer severe damage and kidney function declines significantly (over 50 percent), creatinine levels will increase obviously. Thereby, the concept of “normal creatinine levels mean normal kidney function” is wrong and should be corrected.Is Creatinine 4.72 Required a Dialysis
Whether creatinine is high or low, it should be treated properly and timely. Creatinine is metabolized by muscle activity and seldom changes with healthy kidneys. Vegetarians with lowered creatinine levels are often advised to supply protein and nutrient intake so as to improve their condition and physical constitute.

In patients with abnormal creatinine levels associated with kidney disease, prompt treatment is suggested so as to save kidneys maximally. To get personalized information, you are welcome to consult online experts for free.



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