
A Detailed Introduction for Stage 4 Chronic Kidney Disease

Once the person’s kidney disease develops Stage 4 Chronic Kidney Disease, he may need dialysis or a kidney transplant to maintain his life in the near future. The reason is that he has advanced kidney damage with a severe decrease in the glomerular filtration rate (GFR) to 15-30 ml/min. At this stage, many wastes and fluids will build up in the blood that will cause many symptoms.
◆ Fatigue: Feeling tired is common for people with Stage 4 Chronic Kidney Disease.
◆ Swelling: The kidneys may lose their ability to control how much fluid stays in the body. A person may notice swelling (edema) in their lower legs, hands or face around the eyes.
◆ Urination changes: Urine may be foamy if there is protein in it, or dark orange, brown, tea colored or red if it contains blood. A person may urinate more or less than normal, or get up at night to go to the bathroom.
◆ Sleep problems: Some people have trouble falling asleep or staying asleep. Itching, muscle cramps or restless legs can keep them awake.
◆ Nausea and vomiting: Vomiting or feeling nauseated may occur with Stage 4 Chronic Kidney Disease.
◆ Loss of appetite: People in this stage may not feel like eating, and some people report having a metallic taste in their mouth or bad breath.
◆ Taste changes: Food may not taste like it usually does, or may have a metallic taste.
Uremic breath: As urea builds up in the blood, it may be detected in the breathing causing bad breath.
◆ Nerve problems: Numbness or tingling in your toes or fingers is a symptom of CKD.
With Stage 4 Chronic Kidney Disease, a healthy diet and a correct treatment are very important. You should consult to your doctor immediately to find a treatment in the care of kidneys.



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