
A Detailed Introduction of Stage 5 Chronic Kidney Disease

Stage 5 Chronic Kidney Disease is also called end stage kidney disease (ESKD). At this stage, the person usually has a glomerular filtration rate (GFR) of 15 ml/min or less, and his kidneys have lost nearly all their ability to do their job effectively. Eventually, dialysis or a kidney transplant is needed to live.
With too many wastes and fluids built up in the body, some symptoms that can occur in stage 5 CKD include:
◆ Nausea and vomiting
◆ Headache
◆ Fatigue
◆ Being unable to concentrate
◆ Itching
◆ Making little or no urine
◆ Swelling, especially around the eyes and ankles
◆ Muscle cramps
◆ Tingling in hands or feet
◆ Changes in skin color
◆ Increased skin pigmentation
Although Stage 5 Chronic Kidney Disease can’t be reversed, a healthy nursing care and a correct treatment are very important. The following are some tips to help you take care of yourself.
◆ See a nephrologist. MD physicians specialize in kidney disease (Nephrologists) can use their expertise to help preserve your kidney function for as long as possible as well as keeping you healthy. For more information on treatment options, including dialysis, see My Plan.
◆ Consult a dietitian. Once you begin dialysis, you will need to make changes in what you eat and drink. Your diet is a big part of your treatment, so you will be working with a dietitian who can recommend a meal plan individualized for your needs. See our nutritional tips for more ideas on how to plan your daily diet.
◆ Keeping your glucose level under control and maintain a healthy blood pressure. Many people who develop chronic kidney disease have diabetes or high blood pressure. You will feel better if you keep your glucose levels under control and maintain a healthy blood pressure. If you are prescribed medication, take it exactly as directed by your doctor.
◆ Make healthy choices. It's important to eat well, exercise regularly, and quit smoking to keep yourself as healthy as possible. Just as important, managing stress and taking the time to relax will help you live life to the fullest.



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