
How Is the High Blood Pressure in Chronic Kindey Disease Treated?

In recent years, high blood pressure has been the mainly cause of Chronic Kidney Disease, only secondary to Diabetes. How is the high blood pressure in Chronic Kidney Disease treated? This question has caused many people’s attention.
Hypertension or high blood pressure is a chronic medical condition in which the blood pressure in the arteriesis elevated. This requires the heart to work harder than normal to circulate blood through the blood vessels. If left untreated, it may develop Chronic Kidney Disease into Renal Failure. This requires you and your doctor work together to find the best way to lower your blood pressure. Treatment usually begins with lifestyle changes.
Lifestyle changes:
◆ stop smoking
◆ lose weight
◆ exercise regularly – as a minimum, 20 minute sessions, three times a week, sufficiently
◆intense to induce some breathlessness
◆ cut down on alcohol – aiming for less than 21 units a week for men, 14 units a week for women
◆ eat a varied diet
◆ avoid all salt in food
◆ reduce stress by trying different relaxation techniques or by avoiding stressful situations.
If these changes don't work, you may also need to take medicine. Many different types of medicine can be used to treat high blood pressure. These are called antihypertensive medicines.
Antihypertensive medicines
ACE inhibitors stop the production of a hormone called angiotensin II that makes the blood vessels narrow. If your blood pressure is not easily controlled on simple medication, your doctor will probably use a medicine of this type.
Angiotensin-II receptor antagonists work in a similar way to ACE inhibitors. But instead of stopping the production of angiotensin II, they block its action.
Beta-blockers block the effect of the hormone adrenaline and the sympathetic nervous system on the body. This relaxes the heart so that it beats more slowly, lowering the blood pressure.
Alpha-blockers cause the blood vessels to relax and widen. Combining them with beta-blockers has a greater effect on the resistance in the circulation.
Calcium-channel blockers reduce muscle tension in the arteries, expanding them and creating more room for the blood flow. In addition, they slightly relax the heart muscle so it beats more slowly, reducing blood pressure.
Diuretics help the body get rid of excess salt and fluids via the kidneys. In certain cases, they relax blood vessels, reducing the strain on your circulation.
How is the high blood pressure in Chronic Kidney Disease treated? Now, we have known the answer, you should choose the correct treatment according to your specific condition.



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