
Complications of Acute Renal Failure

Acute Renal Failure can be divided into three stages, namely, oliguria,diuresis
and convalescence.
1. Infection. It is one of the most common and serious complications, which usually found in the Acute Renal Failure caused by serious trauma and burn.
2. Complications in cardiovascular system. Rhythm of the heart, pericarditis, Hypertension and so on may occur to patients of Acute Renal Failure.
3. Complications in nerve system. Patients of Acute Renal Failure may suffer from headache, drowsiness, jerk, coma, epilepsy and so on. The complications in nerve system may pile up with internal toxin, which relates with water intoxication, eletrolyte disturbance and acid-base dysequilibrium.
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4. Complications in digestive system: anorexia, nausea, vomiting, abdominal distension and so on. Because irritable ulcer in gastrointestinal mucous membrane, patients of Acute Renal Failure suffer from the bleeding.
5. Complications in blood system. Due to the weakness of renal function, hemopoietin reduces, thus leading to anemia, but this anemia is not serious usually. Because blood coagulation factor reduces, few patients of Acute Renal Failure may have bleeding tendency.Do I Only Wait to Death If I Get Renal Failure
6. Electrolyte disturbance, metabolic acidosis, hyperkalemia, hyponatremia and serious acidosis are the most dangerous complications.
In the diuresis stage, the daily urine volume of patients of Acute Renal Failure is 3000-5000ml. Owing to large amounts of water and electrolyte have been removed, dehydration, low-potassium, hyponatremia and so on my occur. If timely supplement is not taken, patients of Acute Renal Failure may die of dehydration and electrolyte disturbance.What Can Kidney Failure Patients Expect After Osmotherapy Treatment

When the Acute Renal Failure develops into convalescence, serum urea nitrogen and creatinine turn to be normal as well as Uremic symptoms gradually disappear. If renal tubular epithelial cells have been regenerated and repaired, most patients of Acute Renal Failure can recover while few may have renal damage of different degrees.



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