
Creatinine Level for Dialysis

Creatinine is a basic measurement of kidney function. It is mainly metabolized by
muscle and should normally be removed by the kidneys. But creatinine level is not sensitive enough reflecting kidney function. That’s because our kidney functional decompensation is very strong. Thereby, slight kidney damage will not cause high creatinine level immediately. Only when kidney function drops 50 percent of its original, will creatinine increase obviously.
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Slight elevation of creatinine doesn’t immediately require dialysis. To understand it better, we need to know the functions of dialysis. Actually, dialysis is not a treatment method. As we know, kidneys are very important to us, they can filtrate blood, secrete hormones and regulate balances of erythrocytes. If kidneys stop working, toxins will accumulate in our body and many complications can occur. Heart disease, coronary disease, short breath, brain problems….those are among life-threatening complications. At this time, dialysis as an artificial filter can help to relieve complications by removing wastes in body artificially. But dialysis will not improve the kidneys.Medically Approved Diet to Reduce Creatinine Level
Generally, for non-diabetics, dialysis can be started if GFR is lower than 10; for diabetics with kidney failure, dialysis can be initiated a little earlier-usually lower than 15. But in case the following conditions occur, dialysis should also be started: How to Lower Creatinine Level 7.09 With Herbal Treatment
1. Patients experience typical symptoms of kidney failure, including skin itching, fatigue, vomiting, poor appetite and weight loss
2. Severe erythrocyte imbalances, especially if serum potassium is higher than 6.5 mol/l
3. Accompanied severe metabolic acidosis (PH<7.1)
4. obvious swelling, uncontrolled high blood pressure, symptoms of heart failure caused by excessive water retention(fast heartbeat and short breath)
5. Bleeding tendency on the premise of kidney function deterioration

6. Uremic brain diseases, sleepiness and peripheral lesions



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