
Why do Kidney Diseases Cause Renal Hypertension?

There are two reasons that kidney disease can cause renal Hypertension.
One is renin. Renin secreted by kidneys is just enough in a normal human body, so it will not cause high blood pressure. When there are pathological changes in kidneys or kidney vessels, the secretion of renin will increase dramatically, which can lead to arteriolar spasm. Therefore, arteriole resistance increased, and then followed by Hypertension. The incidence, duration and elevated blood pressure level of Hypertension are related to kidney damage degree
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and pathological changes. For example: The duration of Hypertension is shorter and blood pressure will return normal in 2 to 3 weeks when suffering acute Nephritis; The duration of blood pressure is longer and it is difficult to recover. Can Red Dates Soup Lower Hypertension for Kidney Patients
The other is the decrease of anti-vasopressor substances secretion. When there are pathological changes in renal parenchyma, the secretion of prostaglandin synthesis decreases while the secretion of renin increases dramatically. The disorder of the two secretion lead to high blood pressure.

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